On the Hemmings blog, there is a photo of a description of the Junior Saab which states that in 1986, Saab produced 75 of these extremely rare Go-Karts for sale through the dealer network. The car was powered by a 3.5 horsepower Honda four-stroke engine and had a top speed of 22 mph and an original selling price of $1,900. I read somewhere that $1 in 1986 is the equivalent of $2.09 today, that may be off a little but in any case it would still make this a pricey toy at just under $4,000 but if you want something like this, you are not looking at it as a toy but as a collectable or something to please your inner child. I see it as something that would give you countless hours of fun and would have a collector value attached to it as well. We are never too old to have some fun and these cars would have been a great way for a father and son to spend some time together bonding over working on the cars and going for a little ride. - AM/FM - Contact Rich Kushner at 717-426-2202 x101 or Rich@Swedishmotors.com for more information. -
Exterior: Red
Interior: Black
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